Following the thumping win by the BJP in the Assam assembly elections, speculations are rife about the choice of CM candidate. Party insiders said the contest for the CM post is between Sarbananda Sonowal and senior party leader Himanta Biswa Sarm.
“Sarma deserves to be the next CM as he has not only performed well as minister but also led the party to victory since 2016. He has also proved himself to be an efficient crisis manager for the government and the party as well,” a BJP leader said.
Sonowal’s loyalists, on the other hand said the Prime Minister was in favour of him due to his “clean and honest image” and his performance as a union minister between 2014 and 2016 and as CM in the past five years. Sonowal, 59 was a president of All Assam Students’ Union before he joined AGP and later switched over to BJP.
“That decision will be taken by the parliamentary board. The party is sending an observer, will talk to all stakeholders and a decision will be taken based on his report,” Ranjeet Kumar Dass, president of Assam unit of BJP told reporters.
Union minister Jitendra Singh also did not give a clear answer whether the party will go with Sarbananda Sonowal or decide a new one.