Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma distributed land pattas in Dhemaji district during a ceremonial programme of the flagship Mission Basundhara 2.0 held on Thursday. The initiative aims to provide land rights to the indigenous people of Assam, ensuring secure ownership of their land. During the programme held in Jonai, the Chief Minister reiterated the government’s commitment to extending the Mission Basundhara 2.0 to all sections of society, including non-cadastral villages.
“Mission Basundhara 2.0 was specifically launched to address the needs of indigenous people, offering a new sense of hope to these communities. Among the more than 13 lakh applications received, 84% of those receiving the ‘Offer of Settlement’ belong to ST, SC, OBC and MOBC categories. In the Brahmaputra Valley alone, more than 3 lakh bighas of land were settled, along with over 1 thousand bighas in the Barak Valley,” the Chief Minister said.
He added that Dhemaji district has received the maximum benefit under Mission Basundhara 2.0, with 38,000 families now included in the programme to receive land pattas. The Chief Minister spoke about the importance of digital land pattas, stating that they would allow people to access information about their land status through a government portal without having to physically visit offices. During the programme, 12,510 beneficiaries of Dhemaji district were distributed land pattas.
“One of the main highlights of Mission Basundhara 2.0 is the streamlined process for indigenous communities to receive land rights. Previously, individuals from ST and SC communities, as well as OBC, Gorkha, Tea Tribes, and Adivasis, were required to provide certificates of three generations to obtain land rights. Now they will no longer be required to submit three generations certificates to secure land rights. Under the new initiative, the process has been simplified, ensuring faster and more efficient delivery of land pattas,” the Chief Minister said.