The Jyoti Lalita Kanoi Foundation known across the globe for its philanthropic activities initiated a drinking water project at the premier India Club & Theatrical Institution in Dibrugarh on Tuesday. The project which is a part of its CSR initiative was inaugurated by Dibrugarh MLA Prasanta Phukan.
Safe drinking water is a fundamental necessity. The establishment of RO filtered and cooled drinking water facilities across many School, Colleges and Children Park fulfils an urgent need to have safe clean and cool drinking water available at all times,” the Jyoti Lalita Kanoi Foundation in a statement said.
About the Jyoti Lalita Kanoi Foundation:
Kanoi Family” who laid the foundation of the colleges that form the bedrock of higher education in Dibrugarh. Sri Hanumanbaxji Surajmalji and Laxminarayanji Kanoi, sons of Rajasthan made Assam their home and identified themselves with the real interests of this State.
*Contribute towards the development of student facilities and infrastructure to support the growth of education in the State of Assam, more particularly in Dibrugarh.
*Support and enable female students at the higher education stage where many girls tend to drop out of our education system.
STOP PLASTIC movement by distributing Cloth Bags brought massive awareness.
Community Wedding of the Tea Garden Adiwasi with financial support.
Publications & Distribution of various Books
Felicitation and honoring Meritorious Students
“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to test the limits of our medical infrastructure. To support those that are working tirelessly to save lives, in our small way, we’ve offered to provide a new AMBULANCE to the Arogya Bhawan Hospital, which will be put to use immediately in service of our society, specially for COVID patient,” the Jyoti Lalita Kanoi Foundation mentioned.