One of the leading educational institutions of Dibrugarh, Shree Agrasen Academy on Monday paid homage to their late Principal Gunjan Saharia who passed away on September 9 in Kolkata. A condolence meeting was organized by the school administration to honour and pray for the deceased soul.
The meeting was attended by the president of Marwari Education Foundation Trust Nirmal Beria, the president of Shree Agrasen Academy Committee Binod Agarwal, teaching and non-teaching staff and the students of the school.
“Gunjan Saharia was a prominent educationalist and served as the Principal of Shree Agrasen Academy since its inception. Her contribution towards the well being of the school and her selflessness towards her duties will go unparallel in the years to come. Shree Agrasen Academy sends out their deepest condolences sympathy and unwavering support towards her family. She had led a remarkable life and had a positive attitude towards life. Someone so special cannot be forgotten. She will be ever cherished in our hearts,” Shree Agrasen Academy in a statement said.