Union Minister of State for External Affairs and Education Dr Rajkumar Ranjan Singh on Wednesday addressed a gathering of students, faculty and academicians at the Dibrugarh Hanmanbax Surajmall Kanoi (DHSK) College enlightening them about the significant aspects of the National Education Policy (NEP) – 2020 and the crucial role of higher educational institutions in its implementation. Attending as the key resource person in a lecture progamme on the topic
“National Education Policy – 2020: Role of Higher Educational Institutions” organised by DHSK College, NLB City College Dibrugarh, Assam College Teachers’ Association (ACTA) Dibrugarh Zone, and Vidya Bharati Uchcha Siksha Sansthan, Dr Rajkumar Ranjan Singh emphasised the transformative potential of the NEP-2020 and its aim to revolutionise the education system in India. Speaking at length about the various reforms and initiatives introduced by the policy, he emphasised on the importance of multidisciplinary education, skill development, and research-oriented learning.
During his engaging lecture, the union minister stressed on the importance of empowering students with a holistic education that goes beyond academic excellence that equips them with essential life skills. He emphasised the need for higher educational institutions to foster an environment that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.
The union minister also discussed the role of technology in education and its potential to enhance the learning experience. He encouraged educators and students to leverage digital platforms and educational technologies to create an inclusive and interactive learning environment.
The event concluded with a lively interactive session, where students had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a fruitful discussion with the union minister.
DHSK College principal Sashi Kanta Saikia said that the programme served as a valuable platform for students to gain a deeper understanding of the NEP-2020 and its implications for higher education. He added that the event will inspire the faculty members and educational administrators to further align their efforts with the vision of the NEP-2020. Saikia said that the National Education Policy 2020 aims to transform the existing higher education system in India emphasising on promoting interdisciplinary studies, introducing new subjects, and providing flexibility in courses and fresh opportunities for students. The policy aims to increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education, provide multiple entry and exit options, and allow students to choose courses according to their interests and aptitude, he said.